South Carolina (SC) Healthcare Providers Connected to Wingspan Health
What healthcare providers in South Carolina are connected to Wingspan Health?
This is a list of healthcare providers in South Carolina connected to Wingspan Health. You can also see this with all of the healthcare providers across the US that are connected with Wingspan Health in this interactive Airtable.
If you see more than one of your providers, click here to see how you can get each of your health records connected to your Wingspan Health account, and click here for examples of places where you might have a health record to help jog your memory.
We are continuously adding more doctors, hospitals, clinics, and other providers that have health records to Wingspan Health. If you don’t see your healthcare provider, you can always request a connection with them in your Wingspan Health account and then our team will get right on it and notify you once we’re connected.
AnMed Health (Patient Portal Website)
Beaufort Memorial Physicians (Patient Portal Website)
Bon Secours Health (Patient Portal Website)
Carolina Health Specialists (Patient Portal Website)
Compass Health Systems (Patient Portal Website)
Conway Medical Center / CPG (Patient Portal Website)
CVS Health & MinuteClinic (Patient Portal Website)
East Cooper Medical Center (Patient Portal Website)
Health Records Online - Eastern Time (Patient Portal Website)
Hilton Head Regional Health Care - Hilton Head Hospital (Patient Portal Website)
Hilton Head Regional Healthcare - Coastal Carolina Hospital (Patient Portal Website)
Labcorp - ET (Patient Portal Website)
Lexington Medical Center (Patient Portal Website)
McLeod Health (Patient Portal Website)
Medical University of South Carolina - MUSC (Patient Portal Website)
Midlands Orthopaedics PA - Current (Patient Portal Website)
Midlands Orthopaedics PA - Historical (Patient Portal Website)
Palmetto Health Tuomey (Patient Portal Website)
Piedmont Medical Center (Patient Portal Website)
Prisma Health (Patient Portal Website)
Prisma Health Hospitals and USC Medical Group (Patient Portal Website)
Quest Diagnostics - Eastern Time Zone (Patient Portal Website)
Regional Medical Center (Patient Portal Website)
Roper St. Francis Health (Patient Portal Website)
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System (Patient Portal Website)
Syntellis Clinical Exchange (fka Change Healthcare) (Patient Portal Website)
About Wingspan Health
Wingspan Health is a healthcare technology company that believes that quality healthcare should be accessible for everyone.
Our tool helps you understand your health by organizing your medical information in one place – from all of your patient portal accounts at each of your healthcare providers.